Greet and meet artists : Elaine Lee, Salome El, and Anna Baylor Wilson
at the AWE Gallery Guest Artist reception Sunday, April 12 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM.
Enjoy refreshments and conversations and take advantage of a moment of silence to enter into creative imagery.
If you want to know what young women artists in their twenty-somes are visioning this is the place to begin that journey and inquiry.
Photography, paintings and illustrations from these three artist will perk your imagination and question your sense of reality. Your inquisitive side will ask “how was that image created and why?” Let your mind run wild and then feel free to ask the artist what she had hoped her viewers to encounter here.
Season’s of Existence runs through Sunday April 26 and the A Woman’s Eye Gallery is open from noon – 5:00 PM each Saturday and Sunday. While you are at the AWE Gallery for this particular exhibit be sure to visit the main gallery where the resident artists display some of their finest and “newest” works.
Celebrate National Poetry Month at AWE Gallery: Sunday April 19 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Exphrastic Poetry from Jane Green, Kit Kennedy, Nancy Wakeman and Sherri Rose-Walker. Music by Devi Vaani with Violin by Lana Dalberg. Hosted by Kit Kennedy. Light refreshments will be provided.
“her body
a series of small dishes”
    – Kit Kennedy
images by Anna B Wilson